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People and organizations aren't reaching their

full potential

The numbers



are engaged
their work

As many as


feel life is meaningless


increase in sick leave since 2019, including new groups such as the highly educated. 78% are women.

The problem
Research shows that we are ignoring
essential keys to human wellbeing.



A deep-rooted intuitive, and often unspoken, agreement among group members that they are welcome to show authenticity, take risks, express ideas and concerns, to speak up when they have questions, and to admit mistakes without fear of negative consequences.



Holding our own thoughts and emotions more lightly, and acting on longer term values and goals rather than short-term impulses, thoughts and feelings.


skills and qualities


Exploring, expanding and refining a set of proven personal and interpersonal skills and qualities such as empathy, courage, creativity, inner compass and inclusive mindset.  

ACTIVATE is a purpose driven
human growth partner

- transforming talent, teams
& leaders.



A transformative organizational development program, founded on the insight that people's strongest motive, no matter who we are, is to grow.

It is clear that the world is in need of transformation.

Years of groundbreaking research now points to a completely new paradigm in organizational development and the human first era.

Yet, there are few initiatives taking a holistic and practical approach to implementing truly transformative organizational development at scale.

We saw a need for a different approach.

ACTivation focuses on all levels within an organization.



Create an environment that champions everyone’s uniqueness.



Build a culture of trust, transpacency, and psychological safety.



Get the support you
need to become a truly transformational leader.

We are basing our methodology and practices on these evidence-based methods and frameworks.

ACTIVATE { Talent }

"Because we're all people."



ACTIVATE { Talent }



Recognizing and nurturing talent is crucial; it's about providing the soil, guidance, and inspiration. It's in the way we encourage curiosity, foster resilience, and celebrate diversity of thought.

Talent thrives in spaces where people are free to explore, where mistakes are seen as learning experiences, and where every voice is valued. In cultivating talent, we're not just shaping individuals, we're building a brighter, more innovative future.

Talent say they want to:

 Belong; to a group 

 Shine; their uniqueness 

 Expand; their skills & knowledge 

When talent feels this,

they stay for the long game.

- Why?

They have no reson to leave,

and every reason to stay.

It's time to ACT

- attend our open events & courses

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Our mission

We are truly passionate about being a part of creating a world that feels hopeful and joyfull to exist in.

We believe that change starts in each one of us and that when we put effort into working on ourselves, this will lead to great things in the inner as well as the outer world.

Working life and life in general should not only be managed but experienced fully. Joy, authenticity and inner development can and should be a big part of our life experience.

Welcome to our journey!

"Jenny & Daniel led the group in a very respectful and empathetic manner!"

/ Heléne H

"Daniel is an excellent, educational, and responsive course leader who, with enthusiasm and commitment, guides and coaches his participants through exercises and factual reviews during these course sessions."

/ Victoria S B

"Daniel is exceptionally honest, open, and present when engaging with the course participants. He is confident in himself and skilled at promoting an accepting, non-judgmental approach. 
At the same time, there's organization and order in the course sessions and purposeful guidance of the discussions according to the course plan."

/ Johanna S

Wonderfully inspiring coaches who generously share of themselves in a trusting manner. The course is held in a warm environment with an open atmosphere.
The course material is clear and easy to understand which makes it is easy to come back to at any time."

/ Anki

Our philoshophy

After many years working in various organizations and startups, large and small, public and private, a clear pattern emerged.


All people; regardless of position, background or gender are driven by the same basic nature and drives.

We all want to be seen, heard, understood.

We want to feel valuable, appreciated, included.

We want to belong, shine, grow.

And we want to experience meaning, commitment,

and feel like part of something bigger.

It's time for a new way of working.
Where we put inner development in the center of our organizational heart...
It's time for ACTivation.

We would love to keep you updated! 

Thanks for submitting!

It's time to ACT

©2024 ACTIVATE / Balotis Välvarande AB

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